The High Court has ascertained that an crash report form compiled by a suspect to a personal injuries claim wasn’t discoverable because of litigation privilege.

In reaching the conclusion, the court accepted a personal injuries claim is generally brought from an employer after an accident on the job and it had been”sensible and reasonable” for an employer to conduct an investigation in contemplation of litigation.

The plaintiff had filed that the suspect’s report was discoverable as it had been made prior to the plaintiff had threatened lawsuit. Further, it had been stated that the defendant left the record to follow safety and health laws. On the other hand, the court rejected these arguments and has been satisfied that the record has been subject to privilege.


The plaintiff, Ladislav Kunzo functioned at a meat packing centre run from the suspect, Kepak Longford Unlimited Company. About 14 September 2016, Mr Kunzo promised to have endured a poor back injury whilst de-boning a massive slice of meat. He consulted his attorney on 14 October 2016 along with also a letter of claim has been delivered on 19 October 2016.

The arrangement comprised group (d), that was the crash report form. An affidavit of discovery has been sworn where the defendant asserted privilege over group (d). The plaintiff issued a movement seeking to compel the creation of this record.

The crash investigation report form included a range of documents, such as a report from the business physician, a replica of this standard operating procedure, notes from a meeting with the plaintiff, witness statements and photos.

The plaintiff made two things to support the movement. To begin with, it was stated that the crash report has been published before the prosecution instructing his attorney or sending the letter of claim. Therefore, the plaintiff maintained that the record wasn’t created in contemplation of litigation.

Secondly, the plaintiff stated that the crash report form has been created to abide by the defendant’s reporting duties to the Health and Safety Authority. Thus, it was submitted that the dominant aim of the crash report files was to comply with reporting duties.

In response, the suspect said that nearly all workplace accidents caused personal injury lawsuit and, as such, all injuries were treated as possibly contributing to litigation. Thus, it was promised it had been necessary to perform a complete evaluation of every mishap to properly defend the anticipated actions. Further, it had been noticed that the crash report form (that was given to the estimate ) expressly said that the analysis has been conducted in contemplation of litigation.

The defendant also said that it depended heavily on the analysis report to estimate its vulnerability in a specific case. As a matter of practice, all of interviews, witness statements and photos have been delivered to the suspect’s attorney, with a further meeting to determine potential liability and prices. Therefore, it had been promised that the dominant aim of the crash report was to check legal accountability and was therefore subject to privilege.

While it had been accepted that the records might have the ancillary goal of helping with regular health and safety inspections, the suspect claimed that the primary part of the testimonials was that the risk evaluations of the suspect’s health and safety section, with just minor burden ascribed to the impugned records.

Giving judgment in the situation, Mr Justice Anthony Barr maintained the collision report form has been created in contemplation of litigation and refused to dictate its discovery. It would be adequate if the records were made based on the reasonable anticipation of a celebration that lawsuit would follow.

The court maintained that class (d) from the discovery arrangement simply included reference to the crash report form and didn’t mention some of the other files connected with the investigation. Therefore, the court decided that these supporting files weren’t insured by the detection arrangement.

Taking into consideration the crash report , the court announced that it had been”sensible and sensible” for the defendant to perform a comprehensive investigation”to make sure that the defendant will probably maintain the best possible place to mount whatever defence could possibly be amenable to it”

The court said that the report has been composed no less than a month following the crash, together with the several steps of this investigation set out in the document. These measures included reviewing CCTV, approving the plaintiff and collecting witness statements. In light of the court was satisfied that the record wasn’t only drawn up on the afternoon in question, but instead has been the result of a comprehensive investigation in preparation for litigation.

Depending on the evidence from the suspect, the court held that using these records in the suspect’s report into the HSA was completely subsidiary to the major intention of preparing for litigation.


The court denied the application to compel the discovery of these files on the premise that the records were covered by litigation privilege.