The Tokai channel initially comprised two reactors, the first of which was dismantled. But, JAPC hunted to keep functioning of No. 2, asserting that upgraded security processes and facilities for handling acute injuries were developed. No. 2 was constructed in 1978 and is coming its own 40-year operational lifespan. But, elderly atomic reactors in Japan could be allowed one extension of up to 20 years, pending regulatory approval by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority.

One of the security updates that JAPC proposed to set up were additional tsunami security for power supplies and water pumps, recently constructed seawalls, and diversified electricity and water resources to protect reactor security in case of a power failure. Such issues address shortcomings that played a significant part in the Fukushima Daiichi tragedy, in which power failures caused by reduction of reactor core heating and subsequent meltdowns.

While JAPC contended that Tokai No. 2 was secure, along with the Nuclear Regulatory Authority had formerly approved that the reactor restart, the Mito court wasn’t persuaded by the organization’s assertions and ordered an injunction against reopening the plant, together with Judge Eiko Maeda discovering who JAPC’s evacuation preparation”lacks security.” JAPC has declared that they intend to appeal the decision to the Tokyo High Court.